Researchers unveil the importance of well-being in a post-pandemic future
The study was first publicized in the journal Frontiers in Psychology.
Adolescents born preterms experience the same levels of self-esteem as those born full-term
The study was published online on March 23, 2021.
Study shows the lasting effects of a healthy diet and exercise in childhood
The study, released in Physiology & Behavior, included rodents who were fed…
Planned morning exercise associated with increased eating habits the night before
14 male participants took part in the study, all with a history…
Physical exercise may substantially improve quality of sleep
The findings were released by the University of Tsukuba.
Higher educational attainment may improve well-being among Australian women
The study was conducted at Vietnamese-German University.
New research shows why Transcendental meditation is beneficial for mental health problems
The study was conducted at Maharishi International University.
How a plant-based diet may lower the risk of developing physical conditions
The new research was conducted by Korbua Srichaikul, David Jenkins, among other…
Frequent travelers are more likely to experience stronger mental well-being
About 500 participants from Taiwan were evaluated.