The findings of a study by Swansea University unveiled a fresh approach to well-being and how issues like inequality and climate change can impact it.
The study was first publicized in the journal Frontiers in Psychology.
The results of their study arose at a time where society is recovering from a globalized pandemic caused by a strain of coronavirus.
As one author of the study wrote in a press release: “Our framework has already contributed to a better understanding of how to protect wellbeing during the pandemic and has led to the development of an innovative wellbeing science intervention, targeting university students and people living with acquired brain injury.”
“We feel our invited paper is timely as it not only aligns with a post-pandemic future that requires societal transformation, but it also picks up on global efforts to promote planetary wellbeing,” the author also stated.
All in all, the research details the benefits to health and well-being from connecting to oneself, others and nature. It provides an overview of how significant well-being is in a post-pandemic future.