As part of new research publicized in the journal BMJ Global Health, researchers are sounding the alarm on the rapid rise of ultra-processed foods impacting global food systems and biodiversity.
According to a report, the negative effects stemming from ultra-processed foods on human health is well documented, however, low awareness still persists in its impact on planetary health.
“The contribution of ultra-processed foods to agrobiodiversity loss is significant, but so far has been overlooked in global food systems summits, biodiversity conventions and climate change conferences,” the report states.
“Ultra-processed foods need to be given urgent and high priority in the agendas of such meetings, and policies and action agreed.”
Based on the report’s findings: “The very rapid rise of ultra-processed foods in human diets will continue to place pressure on the diversity of plant species available for human consumption.”
“Future global food systems fora, biodiversity conventions and climate change conferences need to highlight the destruction of agrobiodiversity caused by ultra-processed foods, and to agree on policies and actions designed to slow and reverse this disaster.”