Depression may increase the risk of Facebook addiction disorder
German researchers found a correlation between daily stress, depressive symptoms, and extensive Facebook use.
Study uses AI method for better insight into Crohn’s disease
Researchers at Rutgers University developed an artificial intelligence (AI) method that may provide more insight into Crohn's disease.
Study finds gender-specific traits in kids that leads to hacking behavior
MSU researchers found gender-specific traits that could lead to hacking behavior among adolescents.
Facebook users generate more negative than positive posts on business pages
New research, available in the journal Information Systems Research, examines vanity metrics and user engagements on the social networking site…
Technostress may cause social media addiction, study suggests
The study was published in Information Systems Journal.
Using your smartphone five or more times a day may increase obesity risk
Excessive smartphone usage, often linked to impulsivity, might increase the risk of obesity, research suggests.
New study probes the integrity of clinical trial data using blockchain technology
A team of researchers at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) has built a system using blockchain technology that…
NATO StratCom researchers explore the digital risks of military personnel
NATO’s Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence (StratCom) released a study into the use of bogus social media accounts to help…
Study examines social media patterns during natural disasters
A study by the University of Vermont is offering new insight into how information spreads on social media during natural…
Algorithm can spot fake news stories better than humans
Artificial intelligence may soon be at the forefront of tackling online misinformation.
Study links narcissism to Facebook addiction disorder
"FAD fully mediated the significant positive relationship between narcissism and stress symptoms."
Instagram users are less interested in sharing political images
Instagram users interested in sharing anything, as long as it's not political.