In the U.S., unlawful entry into the country is a criminal offense, punishable by federal law.
During the second term of the 44th President of the United States, a presumably, unconstitutional immigration policy was passed under the abbreviation DACA, shielding only a portion of immigrants from facing conviction for the illegal act.
In a recent survey, conducted in early-June 2020, the nonpartisan think tank Pew Research Center determined that many Americans advocate the path for legal status among immigrants who migrated into the U.S. illegally as children.
“As the U.S. Supreme Court weighs the future of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (or DACA), 74% of Americans favor a law that would provide permanent legal status to immigrants who came to the U.S. illegally as children, while 24% are opposed,” according to Pew Research Center.
Among the respondents who advocate the passing of such a law by Congress, the majority of left and right-leaning supporters were in favor, however, the most support arose from Democrats.
In the findings, a striking 91 percent of Democrats were in accordance with the passing of a law granting permanent legal status, compared to only 54 percent of Republican backers.
The shift from seemingly aiding and abetting acts of criminality to permanently legalizing status to some immigrants was supported across a variety of races and ethnicities, with nearly nine-in-ten Hispanics in favor of such a move. 82 percent of Black Americans, 72 percent of Asian Americans, and 69 percent of White Americans also support impunity and refrainment from deportation.
Moreover, in the Pew Research survey, respondents also endorsed a pathway to legal status for all illegal trespassers who have violated the country’s federal laws and breached the United States Constitution.
“Overall, three-quarters of adults say there should be a way for undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. to stay in the country legally if certain conditions are met,” the findings showed.
“Majorities in both party coalitions express support, but Democrats are again much more likely than Republicans to do so (89% vs. 57%). These views are little changed from August 2019.”