Banning menthol cigarettes can save more than half a million lives within a few decades
The findings appeared in the journal Tobacco Control.
Study highlights what’s worsening the tobacco epidemic among South Asian teens
The new research appeared in Nicotine & Tobacco Research.
These are the factors influencing adolescents to persist with their e-cigarette habits
A group of Korean researchers uncovered a number of key factors said…
Diabetes treatment may be effective for nicotine withdrawal
New research published in JNeurosci indicates a common diabetes drug may be…
Reducing drinking could help with smoking cessation
The findings were published in the journal Nicotine & Tobacco Research.
Study shows link between secondhand smoke and cardiac arrhythmia
The study, conducted in mice, suggests that second-hand smoke exposure alters cells…
Researchers develop candidate drugs to help treat nicotine addiction
WSU Spokane researchers turn to newly developed candidate drugs that could help…