Researchers uncover moderate alcohol drinking may have some protective benefits against heart disease
Over 18,000 older adult participants from both the U.S. and Australia took…
Consuming up to three cups of coffee each day may lower the risk of cardiovascular disease
For the study, close to 470,000 participants were investigated as part of…
Cannabis has no beneficiary effects on cardiovascular health
Cannabis has no beneficiary effects on cardiovascular health, despite its potential efficiency…
Meditation may substantially improve cardiovascular health and diabetes
Researchers uncovered a link between meditation and improved cardiovascular health, in addition…
Sleep disruption heightens the risk of atherosclerosis through inflammation
The findings were published in the peer-reviewed journal PLOS Biology.
Smoking cessation linked to lower risk of cardiovascular disease
The findings were released in the Journal of the American Medication Association…
New study links anxiety and depression to heart disease
A new study links anxiety and depression to cardiovascular disease in older…
Low alcohol exposure improved brain health and inflammation
Low consumption of alcohol linked to improved brain health and inflammation.