Telegram is an alternative social media platform with far less recognition than other platforms. A new survey by the Pew Research Center found that about 27 percent of American adults reported knowing about Telegram, with only two percent reported using it for news.
Conducted between May 16 and 22 of 2022, the survey showed that Americans were more likely to get their news from Telegram than Rumble, Gab, or BitChute.
“Among the 2% of U.S. adults who regularly get news on Telegram, 75% say they expect the news and information there to be mostly accurate, while 24% expect it to be mostly inaccurate,” the Pew authors found.
“Around seven-in-ten Telegram news consumers (68%) say the news they got there helped them better understand current events, while 11% say it made them more confused about current events.”
You can read the findings by clicking here.